Typically, our ultimate aim is to achieve capital gains, this is as result of selecting risk-adjusted and potentially high growth ventures. Each portfolio company has a specific focus to create a clear differentiation, yet potential of synergies gathering, amongst the portfolio. Portfolio companies are incorporated for a specific purpose with clear business plan and predictable patterns. Tazweed’s executives contribute to the development of these profitable companies to lead into value creation. As well, Tazweed is heavily involved in portfolio companies’ operation during early stage throughout its specialised post-investment team. Additionally, the mentioned team is mandated to intervene in the day-to-day operation on task-force-approach basis until the portfolio company is competently operating as a standalone entity. During and upon maturity of portfolio companies, post-investment team still would be monitoring the performance of such, financially and operationally, and could intervene depending on the circumstances of each portfolio company. Not to mention, Tazweed’s executives are involved in portfolio companies through coaching, guidance, recruiting, networking and monitoring.
Portfolio companies’ development is subject to many factors including:
After successfully creating and managing value in a portfolio company, Tazweed’s strategy continues by offering a non-controlling shareholding to strategic investor. Certainly such offering will depend on macroeconomic environment at the time of the transaction, whereby Tazweed’s management will take the lead in the transaction of sale.